About us

The Personal Boardroom was created by co-founders Zella King and Amanda Scott, and ours are the faces you are most likely to meet.

Amanda Scott


Amanda’s career spans advertising, being an agent for actors, and a decade as an executive coach.

Zella King


Zella’s career spans Accenture, Schroders, a PhD and a decade as an academic researching careers and networks.

As a business our mission is to help people build the network they need to succeed.
We work with companies to develop their employees into people who surround themselves with diverse thinking and have impact on their world.
To do this, we deliver virtual talks and workshops to groups of all sizes from a small chat room to a huge webinar full, and from entry to executive level.
We are also authors of the book Who is in your Personal Boardroom? and creators of the Personal Boardroom framework.
We have had oodles of help from the people in our Personal Boardrooms, and are lucky to work with some wonderful people including the indomitable Matt White, the effervescent Maggie Dugan and the ever resonant David Solomon.

Contact us

Thank you for your interest in Personal Boardroom. Do ask questions about what we do and how we work. Amanda or Zella will get back to you shortly.

Personal Boardroom Ltd Ashcombe Court Woolsack Way Godalming Surrey GU7 1LQ United Kingdom

+44 844 500 2843


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