How can you help your clients maintain and grow their professional network?

Try asking them: 

Who is in your Personal Boardroom? 

We think we know what makes for a good coaching relationship:

Practical actions

It can be frustrating for a coach when a client talks endlessly about their aspirations but these don’t bleed out into reality. Making the jump from a plan to reality needs concrete steps and action points

Productive relationship

You want to feel that your value to your client extends beyond the time they spend talking to you. You create most value for them when things happen in the gaps between your sessions, and the conversation keeps moving forward

Persistent learning

Coaching is often a “slow burn”. Things take time to percolate in the client’s mind. You need tools they can keep coming back to when the time is right for them, including when you are not with them

So why not try the Personal Boardroom?

The Personal Boardroom is a practical, simple approach that will change the way you talk to your clients about their network. It is based on the idea of 12 roles that people in their network can play to help them succeed. The Personal Boardroom will widen their thinking about who can help with their personal, job and career goals. They will get ideas for purposeful conversations that will take them nearer to realising those goals.

Our planning tool contains everything your client needs to design the boardroom that will make their job, career and personal goals a reality.

  • A self-service tool to learn about the Personal Boardroom framework
  • Your clients work towards an effective Boardroom by identifying people for each of the 12 roles
  • They can share their Personal Boardroom plan with you at any stage
  • The tool encourages stretch and diversity in who they surround themselves with, and commitment to action
  • There are short, helpful videos that explain and inspire, and practical tips that show how to apply the thinking in reality
  • It works on any device and they don’t have to download anything

Watch a video demonstrating the Personal Boardroom tool

How this will help you create a good coaching relationship:

Practical actions

The Personal Boardroom structure will help your client identify specific conversations to have with people in their network. Our planning tool provides practical tips and advice to get the conversation started. It encourages action.

Productive relationship

Your client can work with the Personal Boardroom planning tool between coaching sessions, and share the results when you meet. It encourages them to go off and do their own thinking, and put it into action on their own. It will help you create value for them even when you are not together.

Persistent learning

The Personal Boardroom planning tool has videos and short, accessible tips and advice that are available to your client whenever they need it. They can return to their Personal Boardroom design and change it as their thinking moves forward

How to buy

You can buy licences for your clients to use the Personal Boardroom tool. You will be given a link or a registration code to share with them. We sell these in bundles.

Many coaches like our paired offer, which gives you the opportunity to try the Personal Boardroom framework for yourself, and includes a print copy of our book Who is in your Personal Boardroom?  which will provide you with detail about the framework and confidence to use it with your clients.

  • One licence for your client to use the Personal Boardroom planning tool with premium content
  • A pdf report of their Personal Boardroom that they can share and discuss with you
  • 5 licences for the Personal Boardroom planning tool
  • Each with one pdf report that they can share and discuss with you

Contact us

Thank you for your interest in Personal Boardroom. Do ask questions about what we do and how we work.  Zella or Amanda will get back to you shortly.

Personal Boardroom Ltd Ashcombe Court Woolsack Way Godalming Surrey GU7 1LQ United Kingdom

+44 844 500 2843


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